Source code for tmtk.utils.mappings

[docs]class Mappings: """ Collection of statics used in various parts of the code. """ # Column Mapping file filename = 'Filename' cat_cd = 'Category Code' col_num = 'Column Number' data_label = 'Data Label' magic_5 = 'Magic 5th' ontology_code = 'Ontology Code' concept_type = 'Data Type' # Tags tags_path = 'Concept Path' tags_title = 'Title' tags_description = 'Description' tags_weight = 'Weight' tags_node_name = 'Tags' # Word mapping file df_value = 'Datafile Value' map_value = 'Mapping Value' # Modifiers file modifier_path = 'modifier_path' modifier_cd = 'modifier_cd' name_char = 'name_char' column_type = 'Data Type' dimension_type = "dimension_type" sort_index = 'sort_index' # Ontology file term_label = 'Label' blob = 'blob' ancestors = 'Ancestors' # Trial Visits file tv_label = 'name' tv_value = 'relative_time' tv_unit = 'time_unit' # Jstree json ids filename_s = 'fn' cat_cd_s = 'ccd' col_num_s = 'col' data_label_s = 'dl' magic_5_s = 'm5' magic_6_s = 'm6' concept_type_s = 'cty' df_value_s = 'dfv' map_value_s = 'map' # Path delimeter used for paths. PATH_DELIM = '\u2215' # Mathematical division sign EXT_PATH_DELIM = '\\' # Backslash used in transmart-batch column_mapping_header = [filename, cat_cd, col_num, data_label, magic_5, ontology_code, concept_type, ] column_mapping_s = [filename_s, cat_cd_s, col_num_s, data_label_s, magic_5_s, magic_6_s, concept_type_s, ] word_mapping_header = [filename, col_num, df_value, map_value, ] tags_header = [tags_path, tags_title, tags_description, tags_weight] modifiers_header = [modifier_path, modifier_cd, name_char, column_type, dimension_type, sort_index] ontology_header = [ontology_code, term_label, ancestors, blob] trial_visits_header = [tv_label, tv_value, tv_unit] annotation_marker_types = { 'mirna_annotation': 'MIRNA_QPCR', 'cnv_annotation': 'Chromosomal', 'mrna_annotation': 'Gene expression', 'proteomics_annotation': 'PROTEOMICS', 'rnaseq_annotation': 'RNASEQ_RCNT', 'vcf_annotation': 'VCF', } annotation_data_types = { 'mirna': 'micro RNA data (PCR)', 'cnv': 'ACGH data', 'expression': 'Messenger RNA data (microarray)', 'proteomics': 'Proteomics data (mass spec)', 'rnaseq': 'Messenger RNA data (sequencing)', 'vcf': 'Genomic variant data', }
[docs] @staticmethod def get_params(dtype=None): """ Return mapping for params classes. Return only for datatype if dtype is set. Else return full map. :param dtype: optional datatype (e.g. cnv) :return: dict with mapping, or class. """ from ..params.HighDimParams import HighDimParams from ..params.TagsParams import TagsParams from ..params.StudyParams import StudyParams from ..params.ClinicalParams import ClinicalParams from ..params.AnnotationParams import AnnotationParams map_d = {'rnaseq': HighDimParams, 'rnaseq_annotation': AnnotationParams, 'cnv': HighDimParams, 'cnv_annotation': AnnotationParams, 'proteomics': HighDimParams, 'proteomics_annotation': AnnotationParams, 'expression': HighDimParams, 'mrna_annotation': AnnotationParams, 'tags': TagsParams, 'study': StudyParams, 'clinical': ClinicalParams, 'mirna': HighDimParams, 'mirna_annotation': AnnotationParams, } if dtype: return map_d[dtype] else: return map_d
[docs] @staticmethod def get_annotations(dtype=None): """ Return mapping for annotations classes. Return only for datatype if dtype is set. Else return full map. :param dtype: optional datatype (e.g. cnv_annotation) :return: dict with mapping, or class. """ from ..annotation.ChromosomalRegions import ChromosomalRegions from ..annotation.MicroarrayAnnotation import MicroarrayAnnotation from ..annotation.ProteomicsAnnotation import ProteomicsAnnotation from ..annotation.MirnaAnnotation import MirnaAnnotation map_d = {'microarray_annotation': MicroarrayAnnotation, 'cnv_annotation': ChromosomalRegions, 'rnaseq_annotation': ChromosomalRegions, 'proteomics_annotation': ProteomicsAnnotation, 'annotation': MicroarrayAnnotation, 'mrna_annotation': MicroarrayAnnotation, 'mirna_annotation': MirnaAnnotation, } if dtype: return map_d[dtype] else: return map_d
[docs] @staticmethod def get_highdim(dtype=None): """ Return mapping for high dimensional classes. Return only for datatype if dtype is set. Else return full map. :param dtype: optional datatype (e.g. cnv) :return: dict with mapping, or class. """ from ..highdim.CopyNumberVariation import CopyNumberVariation from ..highdim.ReadCounts import ReadCounts from ..highdim.Expression import Expression from ..highdim.Mirna import Mirna from ..highdim.Proteomics import Proteomics map_d = {'rnaseq': ReadCounts, 'cnv': CopyNumberVariation, 'expression': Expression, 'proteomics': Proteomics, 'mirna': Mirna, } if dtype: return map_d[dtype] else: return map_d