Source code for tmtk.utils.Generic

import os
import pandas as pd
import random
from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo
import hashlib
import re

from .Exceptions import *
from .mappings import Mappings

[docs]def clean_for_namespace(path) -> str: """ Converts a path and returns a namespace safe variant. Converts characters that give errors to underscore. :param path: usually a descriptive subdirectory :return: string """ disallowed = ['/', '-', ' ', '.', '(', ')', '#'] for item in disallowed: path = path.replace(item, '_') return path
[docs]def summarise(list_or_dict=None, max_items: int = 7) -> str: """ Takes an iterable and returns a summarized string statement. Picks a random sample if number of items > max_items. :param list_or_dict: list or dict to summarise :param max_items: maximum number of items to keep. :return: the items joined as string with end statement. """ unique_list = set(list(list_or_dict)) n_uniques = len(unique_list) if n_uniques == 1: return str(unique_list.pop()) if n_uniques > max_items: unique_list = random.sample(unique_list, max_items) end_statement = "({}) more".format(n_uniques - max_items) else: end_statement = "{}".format(unique_list.pop()) first_statement = ", ".join(map(str, unique_list)) m = "{} and {}".format(first_statement, end_statement) return m
[docs]def file2df(path=None): """ Load a file specified by path into a Pandas dataframe. If hashed is True, return a a (dataframe, hash) value tuple. :param path: to file to load :return: `pd.DataFrame` """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise PathError('File ({}) does not exist.'.format(path)) df = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t', dtype=object) return df
[docs]def md5(s: str): """ utf-8 encoded md5 hash string of input s. :param s: string :return: md5 hash string """ return hashlib.md5(s.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
[docs]def df2file(df=None, path=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs): """ Write a dataframe to file safely. Does not overwrite existing files automatically. This function converts concept path delimiters. :param df: `pd.DataFrame` :param path: path to write to :param overwrite: False (default) or True :param kwargs: all kwargs are passed on to ``pd.DataFrame.to_csv()`` """ if not path: raise PathError(path) if not overwrite and os.path.exists(path): raise PathError("{} already exists. Consider setting `overwrite=True`".format(path)) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) df.replace(Mappings.PATH_DELIM, '\\\\', inplace=True, regex=True) df.to_csv(path, sep='\t', index=False, **kwargs)
[docs]def find_fully_unique_columns(df): """ Check if a dataframe contains a fully unique column (SUBJ_ID candidate). :param df: `pd.DataFrame` :return: list of names of unique columns """ unique_cols = df.apply(lambda x: len(x.unique()) == len(df)) return list(df.columns[unique_cols])
[docs]def is_not_a_value(value): """ Returns whether value is None,, or an empty string """ return value is None or value is or value == ''
[docs]def fix_everything(): """ Scans over all the data and indicates which errors have been fixed. This function is great for stress relieve. :return: All your problems fixed by Rick """ return YouTubeVideo('dQw4w9WgXcQ', autoplay=True)
[docs]def path_converter(path, to_internal=False, from_internal=False): """ Convert paths by creating delimiters of backslash "\" and "+" sign, additionally converting underscores "_" to a single space. :param path: concept path :param to_internal: if path is for internal use delimit with Mappings.PATH_DELIM :param from_internal: replace + and _ with escaped versions. :return: delimited path """ delimiter = Mappings.PATH_DELIM # is expected to have come from arborist. if from_internal: # Make sure all + and _ are escaped path = re.sub('\\\\*\+', '\\+', path) path = re.sub('\\\\*_', '\\_', path) else: # Using negative look behind replace unescaped _ and + path = re.sub('(?<!\\\\)_', ' ', path) path = re.sub('(?<!\\\\)\\+', delimiter, path) # Use negative look ahead to replace all backslashes not # followed by + or _ with a internal delimiter. path = re.sub('\\\\(?![_+])', delimiter, path) path = path.strip(delimiter) # Demultiply the path delimiters path = re.sub(r'{}+'.format(delimiter*2), r'{}'.format(delimiter), path) if to_internal: # This way the arborist can operate without escaping path = path.replace('\\_', '_') path = path.replace('\\+', '+') else: path = path.replace(Mappings.PATH_DELIM, Mappings.EXT_PATH_DELIM) return path
[docs]def path_join(*args): """ Join items with the used path delimiter. :param args: path items :return: path as string """ return Mappings.PATH_DELIM.join(args)
[docs]def merge_two_dicts(x, y): """Given two dicts, merge them into a new dict as a shallow copy.""" z = x.copy() z.update(y) return z
[docs]def column_map_diff(a_column, b_column): column_map = {} for k in set().union(a_column, b_column): if not a_column.get(k): column_map[k] = ('-', b_column[k]) elif not b_column.get(k): column_map[k] = (a_column[k], '-') elif a_column[k] != b_column[k]: column_map[k] = (a_column[k], b_column[k]) return column_map
[docs]def word_map_diff(a_word_map, b_word_map): word_map = {} for k in set().union(a_word_map, b_word_map): if not a_word_map.get(k): word_map[k] = b_word_map[k] elif not b_word_map.get(k): word_map[k] = a_word_map[k] else: d = {} for dfv in set().union(a_word_map[k], b_word_map[k]): a_mapped = a_word_map[k].get(dfv) b_mapped = b_word_map[k].get(dfv) if not a_mapped and a_mapped != "": d[dfv] = b_mapped elif not b_mapped and b_mapped != "": d[a_mapped] = dfv elif a_mapped != b_mapped: d[a_mapped] = b_mapped if d: word_map[k] = d return word_map