Source code for tmtk.tags.Tags

import pandas as pd
import os
from ..utils import Exceptions, FileBase, MessageCollector, summarise, Mappings, path_converter, TransmartBatch
from ..params import TagsParams

[docs]class MetaDataTags(FileBase): def __init__(self, params=None, parent=None): if params and params.is_viable() and params.datatype == 'tags': self.path = os.path.join(params.dirname, params.TAGS_FILE) else: raise Exceptions.ClassError(type(params), TagsParams) self.params = params self.parent = parent super().__init__() @property def tag_paths(self): """ Return tag paths delimited by the path_converter. """ return self.df.ix[:, 0].apply(lambda x: self._convert_path(x)) @property def invalid_paths(self): delimiter = Mappings.EXT_PATH_DELIM # All paths in study that tags can be mapped to study_paths = [node.path for node in self.parent.concept_tree.nodes if node.type != 'tag'] # Add delimiter to both paths comparing so tag_path only matches if a complete node is matched study_paths = ['{0}{1}{0}'.format(delimiter, path_converter(path, internal=False)) for path in study_paths] # Add study level path (no nodes) study_paths.append(delimiter) # Modify tag paths to always end with a single delimiter tag_paths = [path.rstrip(delimiter) + delimiter for path in self.tag_paths] # Ensure single trailing delim # Return list of tags that are not mapped to any path return [p for p in tag_paths if not any([sp.startswith(p) for sp in study_paths])] @staticmethod def _convert_path(x): starts_with_delim = x.startswith(Mappings.PATH_DELIM) or x.startswith(Mappings.EXT_PATH_DELIM) x = path_converter(x, internal=False) if starts_with_delim: x = Mappings.EXT_PATH_DELIM + x return x.strip()
[docs] def get_tags(self): """ generator that gets tags from tags file. :return: tuples (<path>, <title>, <description>) """ for path in set(self.tag_paths): associated_tags = self.tag_paths == path tags_dict = {} self.df[associated_tags].apply(lambda x: tags_dict.update({x[1]: (x[2], x[3])}), axis=1) yield path, tags_dict
[docs] def validate(self, verbosity=2): message = MessageCollector(verbosity=verbosity) message.head("Validating Tags:") invalid = self.invalid_paths if invalid: message.error("Tags ({}) found that cannot map to tree: ({})." " You might want to call_boris() to fix them.". format(len(invalid), summarise(invalid))) else: message.okay("No tags found that do not map to tree. Total number of tags: {}". format(len(self.tag_paths))) message.flush() return not message.found_error
[docs] @staticmethod def create_df(): df = pd.DataFrame(dtype=str, columns=Mappings.tags_header) return df
@property def load_to(self): return TransmartBatch(param=self.params.path, items_expected=self._get_lazy_batch_items() ).get_loading_namespace() def _get_lazy_batch_items(self): return {self.params.path: [self.path]}